Welcome to the all-new AliExpress member center. We've made a few changes to improve your shopping experience on AliExpress and bring you even more rewards!
1. New Member LevelsWe've introduced new member levels to help to earn more rewards on AliExpress
Old LevelsLevelsPoints
A0 MemberA1 MemberA2 MemberA3 MemberA4 Member01-100101-500501-2000>2000
New LevelsLevelsPoints
Silver MemberGold MemberPlatinum MemberDiamond Member1-100101-500501-1500>1500
NotesYour new member level will be determined according to the closest matching level in the new points system.
2. New ways to collect pointsYour may find your current points have changed, due to modifications in the way points are calculated.
Shopping pointsFan pointsBonus points
3. New ways to earn rewardsEnjoy more discounts and savings with exclusive member prices, birthday rewards and more
Level-Up CouponsExclusive coupons when you move up Member Levels
Birthday rewardsSpecial items and rewards on your special day
Anniversary rewardsSpecial items and extra discounts
4. More member promotions
There's so much more to discover! Get started on your new AliExpress member journey now.