We all remember it: the one house on the block that would wow us every October with its positively spookifying Halloween decorations, the legendary house that every trick-or-treater would make sure was on their candy route just to catch a glimpse! Well… why not make that your house this year? Pass those memories down to the next group of wide-eyed youngsters by making your house the scariest haunt on the block!
We’ve got you covered for when you’re really trying to spook it up a notch. Be prepared to shock and awe with some detailed hanging skull decorations that will make any tree or porch a centerpiece for scares. Keep heads turning with an array of spooky tombstones that will add a frightfully fun vibe. Finish the look with some stretchy cobweb placed around the house. It makes every atmosphere a little more ghostly, and works wonders for costume photo-ops!