What are Select Coupons?Select Coupons are a special type of coupon that can help you save even more on AliExpress.AliExpress Select Coupon
US $2 OFFValid 22/11/16, 00:00 AM -
30/11/16, 11:59 PM
When you see this icon next to an item or on a store page, you can use AliExpress Select Coupons with your purchase.
1. Exchange coins for Select Coupons on the following pages:How do I get Select Coupons?Item DetailsAliExpress Select Coupon accepted by this storeSave up to US $4 on orders over US $100Get It Now
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How do I redeem Select Coupons?Note: Select Coupons can only be redeemed if the minimum purchase requirements are met, and the store is currently accepting Select Coupons.After you've filled your cart and you're ready to pay, the price of eligible items on your Order Confirmation will be automatically discounted with Select Coupons.Apply AliExpress Select Coupon
• A limited amount of Select Coupons are available and are distributed on a first come, first served basis.• Users can apply multiple Select Coupons to item(s) purchased in one store, but maximum discount values are dependent on individual store restrictions. For example, if a store says "Save up to $4 on orders over $39", you can apply up to two Select Coupons in that store (with each Select Coupon valued at $2).• Select Coupons can be combined with other discounts and coupons on AliExpress.
Redemptions will be processed in the following order:
- Item specific discounts
- Store Discounts
- Store Coupons
- Select Coupons
- AliExpress Coupons
- AliExpress Discounts
• For refunds and disputes on orders using Select Coupons only the amount actually paid will be eligible for refund, not including the value of Select Coupons.• Select Coupons will not be refunded if you cancel your order.