Contributor Levels
How do I maintain or get to a higher Contributor Level?The system starts calculating for the last 30 days on the 12th of each month. If the total average score over the last 30 days meets the requirement of a specific Contributor Level, you can either upgrade or maintain your current status.

If the total average score does not meet the requirements of your current Contributor Level, you will be granted a 90-day extension to achieve the respective scores. If you do not successfully meet the requirements after this period, you will be given a lower Contributor Level.

If you are an Amateur Creator and still do not meet the requirements needed after the 90-day extension, you will be classified as a Basic Creator.
Contributor LevelsGet to know the benefits, content and access tools of different Contributor Levels belowContributor LevelsScore RequirementsNo. of FollowersTotal average score over the last 30 days > 160Total average score over the last 30 days > 140Total average score over the last 30 days > 110Total average score over the last 30 days > 40Average content quality score ≥ 80Average content quality score ≥ 70Average content quality score ≥ 60Average content quality score ≥ 35No. of followers/no. of followed accounts ≥ 5No. of followers/no. of followed accounts ≥ 2No. of followers/no. of followed accounts ≥ 0.5Total average score over the last 30 days > 60Average content quality score ≥ 35No. of followers/no. of followed accounts ≥ 2Professional CreatorSenior CreatorIntermediate CreatorJunior CreatorAmateur CreatorBasic CreatorNo. of followers/no. of followed accounts ≥ 2
1. Total average score is systematically calculated based on content quality, the number of followers, the number of active followers as well as other data factors.
2. Average content quality score is systematically calculated based on visual and written content, as well as other data factors.
Contributor LevelsPost TypeListsCollagesAliExpress short videosYouTube linksCost per sale via postsCost per action via AE ConnectAccess to profit avenuesFeed posts limit (daily)ArticlesSenior CreatorIntermediate CreatorJunior CreatorAmateur CreatorBasic CreatorProfessional Creator