Promo Code Task GuideWhat is a Promo Code task?A Promo Code task is simply a task in which sellers and influencers use promo codes as a key part of the promotional content that is being created. For each task, a promo code will be promoted by an influencer on either AliExpress Feed or Social Media. In return for their work, the seller will pay the influencer in 1 of 2 ways. Either the seller will pay the influencer a set fee based on the number of times the code is used, or the seller will pay a commission fee rate based on how much the buyers purchase after clicking on the code.What is the purpose of a Promo Code task?Promo codes are popular in key foreign markets and are in line with many people's shopping habits.Which sellers can create promo codes and Promo Code tasks?All sellers are welcome. However, you must have already joined the AliExpress Connect platform and affiliate program.
How do Promo Code tasks work?Main Points:
• Automatic Application Review: After an influencer applies for a task, the system will automatically review and approve their application. This allows influencers to more quickly obtain a promo code and begin their promotion.
• Samples: The system is set to 'Sample Not Available' by default.PROCESS OVERVIEW
FOR SELLERSHow To Create A Promo Code Task1. To create a Promo Code task, enter AliExpress Connect, click 'Create new task' and select 'Store Promo Code' as the 'Task Type'.
Scenario 1: You have not yet created a promo code in the AliExpress Seller's Center
If you have not yet created a store promo code, you will need to do that now. Click the button 'Create new promo code'.
The button should take you to a page within the Marketing section of the Seller's Center. Please fill in all the relevant information on the page.
It's important that you click the 'Affiliate' button (as shown in the picture). Only if this button is "on" (i.e. red) will you be able to create a task in AliExpress Connect and allow influencers to share the code.
Due to a recent upgrade, any task rewards or payments made to influencers will be settled directly through the Affiliate program as an 'Affiliate CPS' without you needing to make any offline payments.
After you click 'Submit', it will take you to the Promo Code page (still within the Seller's Center). Find your newly-created code in the list and click 'Affiliate Setting'.If you are instead creating a task as part of an Official Activity published on AliExpress Connect, please select 'Official Activity Promotion' (or, '官方活动推广'), find the activity you want to apply for and click 'Promote now'.
Your application should then appear as an entry under 'Applied Activities' in the AliExpress Connect platform.
It should then take you to the 'Promotion Plan Management' page. From there, find your promo code and click 'Activate immediately'.
A popup should appear. Select 'Default Channel Promotion' (or '默认渠道推广') and click 'Promote now'. This will automatically create an AliExpress Connect task for you.
Scenario 2: You have already created a promo code in the Seller's Center.Select 'Join an existing promo code' and fill in the promo code ID (ex: 1734068005) that's listed in the Seller's Center.
Once you click 'Confirm' a task will be automatically created and displayed to influencers..
Key Notes:
A. To learn more about creating promo codes, please refer to this tutorial:
B. When creating a promo code in the Seller's Center, be sure to only check the Affliate button when you are wanting to cooperate with influencers. Standard store promo codes and promo codes used by influencers are two separate things.
C. When you create your promo code, you can adjust the settings to control the budget. For example, you can limit the total number of times your code is redeemed and how many times a single user can redeem the same code.If you're interested in doing a promo code task, you can filter for suitable tasks under the 'Store Promo Code' tab under 'Tasks to all' (i.e. 'All Tasks') in the AliExpress Connect platform.
Once you have found the right task, click 'Apply for task' on the right.
It will take you to the 'Task Details' page. Click the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the page to confirm your application.
For this type of task, your application will be automatically reviewed by the system. In the 'Awaiting Submission' tab, you will be able to see tasks that you have applied for. You can view more information and check the status of your application by clicking on 'View Details'.You can also get your promo code in the 'Task Details' page.
Scenario 1: You're an individual influencer. In this case you can only get 1 promo code per task.
To get your code, simple click 'Get Promo Code'.
Once you have requested the promo code, it will appear and remain displayed in the 'Task Details' page.
Scenario 2: You're an agency. In this case, you may actually request for multiple promo codes at a time.
Please share the code(s) with the influencers that you've already signed a contract with and who will be participating in this task.1. Get creative with how you promote the promo code.
Find new ways to spread the message, share on Feed or Social Media and get your fans excited about the savings they can get when they use the promo code to shop!
When you click 'Get Promo Code', a box will pop up, allowing you to input the total number of promo codes that you want.
2. Don't forget to share the 'Promotion Rule(s)' (i.e. how much the buyer needs to spend in order to use the code).3. Pay attention to the 'Code Type'
Only if it's marked as 'Storewide' can it be applied to any item in the store (subject to Terms & Conditions).
If, however, it's marked as 'Set Products', then its use is more restricted and can only be applied to certain store items (subject to Terms & Conditions).
4. The 'Submission Deadline' for this type of task is not as important as it is for other tasks. If buyers use your code to purchase items during the promotion period, the corresponding commission will be given. You can view and withdraw your commssion from Portals.
However, in order to build good relations with sellers, it's recommended that you submit the content in time. To submit content, enter the 'Task Details' page and follow the steps.
KEY NOTES - FOR SELLERSPayments1) There is no need to make any offline payments to influencers. The promotion commission will be given to the influencers through the affiliate program.
2) The commission rate is the same as the set affiliate commission rate. Meaning, that store promo code tasks operate similarly to store cps link tasks.DataGo to the Affiliate platform (i.e. Portals) to view data or make withdrawals.
FOR INFLUENCERS & AGENCIES* Please be sure to pay attention to the 'Application Deadline'. This is the latest possible time that buyers can use a promo code by. You can view this information by clicking on the task name and going through the information on the 'Task Details' page.