Powerful processorUltra thin body1.39-inch round face1.3 GHz MTK6580 quad-core processor and Android 5.1 operating systemOnly 1.2 cm thin, looks and feels as natural as a traditional watchIPS OLED display with 400x400 resolution
Bluetooth connectivityPlay all your favorite tracks with seamless connection to Bluetooth headsets and speakers
GPS navigationGPS tracking even without a smartphone connection
Thousands of appsAndroid 5.1 OS compatible with apps in the Google Play Store
Weather informationFull weather forecasts sent directly to your smartwatch
Dual-core processorAndroid 4.4 OS900mAh batteryMTK6572 dual-core with 512MB of RAM and 4G of storageDownload thousands of apps from the Google Play Store including games, video players, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and more.Built-in lithium ion battery with 9 day stand-by mode
Large displaySee and so more on a wide 2.2-inch touchscreen display
GPS navigationFind your way with downloadable GPS apps
Weather informationWeather forecasts with the touch of a finger
ABOUT LEMFOFounded in 2008, LEMFO continues to surpass its customers' expectations of design and quality with advanced smartwatch technology sold around the world.